Featuring a dramatic damask design, this range is perfect for commercial service or use around the home. Its bold design adds character and style whilst keeping an elegant appearance.
0% Atmospheric Discharge
- RCR employs only electric furnaces
- The process of melting and fining is completely electric and without smoke emission
100% Recyclable
- The absolute pure raw materials used, allow the Luxion® Ultraclear Eco-Crystal Glass to be 100% recyclable
- 99.9% the percentage of internal cullet recovery
- No polluting bleaching agents used in the process.
Only renewable energy- Photovoltaic panels: 23,000 m2
- Biomass plant
- Geotermal Energy
The whole production process is completely electric while keeping an eye on consumption reduction.
Higher values indicate greater ability of the glass to deflect light, producing effects typical of brilliants and cut glass.
LASER CUTTINGConsistency is key when producing uniform and linear rims and is achieved by using a laser beam (rim cutting). This technology improves the quality of the products and is specifically designed to meet the needs of professionals.
REDUCED THICKNESSGlassware with thin rims present a fine delivery to the palette, allowing all aromas and flavours to be appreciated.